Memorial Day

From the
Glen Ridge Heritage Book 1977

Each year this day of remembrance brings the citizens of Glen Ridge together for an early morning parade and service to honor their war dead as well as the living who have served.  As the years pass, the emphasis of the celebration has been determined by the history of the times.  It has varied from the commemoration of the World War I monument in 1922, with its background of the flag-bedecked High School building, to the full blown Bi-centennial parade, with floats, in 1976.  Every year adds a colorful picture to the Borough book of memorable events.

World War I – 1917-1918*

Kenneth A. Bailey

Craig McClure, Jr.

James A. Moseley, Jr.

John P. Rawson

Raymond M. Slingerland

John D. Swanton

Carl R. Woodworth


World War II – 1941-1945

Frederick J. Arrowsmith

David W. Bowen

John Broten

Italo J. Calpini

Walter D. Carle

Donald Claeys

Kenneth Courtney

James A. Dick

William F. Dold

Lewis J. Dundon

Walter R. Faulkner

John J. Feeney

Irwin F. Finkelstein

Stephen Grant

Donald M. Harris

Thomas E. Hartman

Charles L. Heins, Jr.

Warren J. Hill

Edward R. Honeyman

Leonard I. Hooper

Theodore J. Kamienski

Richard H. King

John M. McMahon

  1. Leonard Matthews

Douglas W. Pierson

Arthur R. Pundt

John J. Regan

Herbert R. Smith

Robert J. Stewart

Arthur L. Teall

Alan G. Van Sant

Howard Wade

Jean Wolfs


Korea – 1950-1953

James N. Dorland

Alfred E. Smith


Vietnam – 1964-1974

Thomas M. Bonine

Thomas Cannon

James K. Kirkby

George E. Robertson


* The casualty list from World War I was not included in the Heritage Book but is added here.


Police Department

